A Voice For Animals

The Alliance of Independent Authors - Author Member

Let Go and Let God…and Then What

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Have you ever wondered what would happen if you were to let go and let God take over? What would happen then? What is the worst thing that could happen?

Through a series of self-improvement and in-depth self-questionning, the story attempts to make you reassess what it is that you are capable of. The story takes you into an alternate universe…the world of Delilah…to get my point across.

The story takes you deep into the world of your higher self, as I had to do for myself. Whether you are a fervent believer in God or believe in a higher power, this book will help you to become the best you can be. It will allow you to take a peek into what lies beneath all that you think you are, and reveal who you really are and what you are really capable of…if only you’ll take one small step.

Embark on a new journey and discover a new you!

Let go and let God…and then what?

This autobiography takes you on a journey of ‘self’ – and leaves it up to you, the reader, to discover what it is that you desire.

I wish to thank all the readers, the fans who supported me throughout my journey as a writer. I write so others will read. I write to remain in my sphere – my journey to my highest self. I thank you all for coming along and being a part of this amazing occasion of life.

My guides, my angels…my highest self – however you connect with your ‘self’…let’s collide, let’s talk, and let’s connect!

My journey as a writer was painful, truthful, and spiritual. My journey as a creator went from being angry and terrified, to being quiet.

The journey from How I Became a Dragon to …Let go and let God…and then what, twists and turns in and out of my sphere, drifting miles away from my sphere, my highest self, and than back in.

Let’s do this!


What an incredible book this is! Within its pages the author somehow manages to combine self-help, inner healing, be motivational, and inspirational. What’s more this book is suitable for all ages, genres, and professions, something I find unique. Through the sharing of personal experiences with her reader, and the incorporation of a fictitious story about a cat called Delilah, her surroundings, and life, the reader is encouraged to open their eyes to their world, look forward with a positive attitude, and embark on a journey of self-discovery. From the moment we are ‘aware’ we absorb the information around us via other people. We learn, to discover things about our world and environment, listen to the expectations and limitations others put on us. Now, through this enlightening book we each have the tools we need to unlock our dreams, reach our full potential, and then grow, taking one day at a time to discover the real us. We learn how to unburdening ourselves of the concepts and restraints of others, and truly become who we want to be. From a very early age the author knew she had a strong affinity with the spirit world and animals. Her work has enabled her to recognise these gifts and her strength of character has led her to write her books. In fact her first published novel, How I Became a Dragon was inspired by her experiences whilst working in the Republic of Congo as Project Director for the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) in the Sangha Tri-National landscape. However, as she points out, if you are searching for God and enlightenment, it is not hidden in these pages. The purpose of this book is to, through telling her story, and talking about poignant moments in her life, which have opened her eyes to her true self, she hopes to inspire her readers to do the same. To aid in this, the book’s chapters focus on life experiences and at the end of each there is the opportunity for the reader to express their thoughts and experiences on each topic on the activity pages. These pages eventually combined to reveal their own unique journey. However, the author is keen to point out, our journey does not end there, because life is a continual adventure and the quest to discover new things about ourselves is constantly evolving each and every day. In Conclusion: This book contains the key to opening your own mind into the possibilities which await you. Within, the author gives her reader the tools they require to move forward positively, with true self-belief, and the knowledge that they are 100% in control. —Susan Keefe