A Voice For Animals

The Alliance of Independent Authors - Author Member

I Believe I can find solutions to any challenge or adversity, just like Max the cat


Coloring and Activity Book 8.

The series I Believe is a journey of discovery and gratitude with amazing Animal Beings.

Suzanne Narrates Book 8

Reviewed By Jack Magnus for Readers’ Favorite REVIEW RATING 5 STARS

I Believe – I can find solutions to any challenge or adversity, just like Max the cat, Book 8 is a children’s animal coloring and activity book written by Suzanne Mondoux and illustrated by Gaetanne Mondoux. Spring was in the air. The patches of snow still lingering on the hillsides were getting smaller, and buds were turning into crisp green leaves on the bushes and trees around the ranch. Jojo made the exciting announcement that a guest would be arriving at the ranch the next day. Teddy and Carlo’s friend, the golden mare, Sara, would be coming to visit. Teddy and Carlo explained how Sara’s life had not always been as wonderful as it was when they met her. People had been cruel to her, and she still bore the scars of those experiences. The Mustangs taught her how to believe in herself and others through their love and their art. Soon the gathered friends at the ranch realized that they were not alone. First, they heard a rustling in a nearby bush, then they gasped when they saw a bedraggled, thin and injured cat slink out from under the brush. He was starving and eagerly ate the fish soup Julie brought him. Then they all waited anxiously to hear his story.

In Book 8, the author addresses the plight of thousands of animals in these times of extreme weather events. Hurricanes, floods, fires fueled by the brush and trees killed by drought are all affecting families and their animal companions. Some animals, like Max, have families anxiously looking for them before they leave, yet they are too frightened to go to those safe arms. Others are tragically left behind because of no-animal emergency shelter rules. Rescue organizations work tirelessly to reunite animals with their human companions, and failing that, to find new families for them. Kids have challenges of their own; some are minor, while others seem way too big for small shoulders to bear. Max’s and Sara’s stories are for kids who need inspiration and healing, for them to realize that they too can overcome the challenges and face adversity — and get through it all. The thirty-day challenge that concludes this book encourages kids to consider challenges they’ve faced in the past and how they dealt with them, as well as challenges they face right now. This activity will help kids gain resilience and confidence in their abilities to thrive no matter what. Gaetanne Mondoux’s illustrations work perfectly with this inspirational and well-written fable. I Believe Book 8 is most highly recommended.