A Voice For Animals

The Alliance of Independent Authors - Author Member

Anuk Book of Words

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Adorable Assisi Human Anuk, the Exploring Equine Human Hybrid embarks on a second life-changing journey to save the Orb’s Animal Beings from extinction. Guided by the mystical, priceless, and powerful Book of Words, Anuk and her faithful Crew risk everything trekking to the underside of the Orb. With her loyal friends and new mentors Anuk learns leadership as she confronts harsh truths of humanity, love and loss while navigating the joyful journey to personal power. Anuk discovers that it takes a universe to unite the Orb’s Animal Beings.

By communicating from the soul with the Poach, the exterminators and life-long enemies of the Animal Beings, Anuk forges new alliances between Human Beings and Animal Beings.

It has been six years since teenaged explorer Anuk and her faithful Animal Being friends chased her destiny, crossing continents through a perilous post-apocalyptic world to the idyllic Roese Island. Now at 23, a more mature Anuk is prompted to leave the comfort of Roese Island to bring the mystical Book of Words to the rightful owners. Risking life, limb and liberty, Anuk and her Crew of Animal Beings experience the wonders, secrets and the horrors of the brutal hunters whose greed destroyed entire species. Anuk: Book of Words informs, inspires and delights in equal measure.

Reviewed By Liz Konkel for Readers’ Favorite REVIEW RATING 5 STARS

Anuk: Book of Words by Suzanne Mondoux is the second book in The Adventures of Anuk series. Anuk has an all-new mission in this exciting and beautifully written sequel which finds Anuk setting out to bring the Book of Words back to where it belongs. It rests upon her shoulders to help her animal friends overcome the fear and threat of extinction. To do this, Anuk will have to turn to the Poach if she has any chance of making a change, helping her friends, and building a better future for everyone.

The world is filled with all types of beings with the primary focus on Animal Beings who are facing more and more threats of becoming extinct. Elephant Beings are down to the last herd while Lion Beings are scarce in number among several other species facing threats. Everyone is doing everything they can to protect each other. Suzanne Mondoux brings to life various animal characters that weave in a commentary about poaching and extinction. This commentary is brilliantly woven into a plot filled with adventure, community, and magic with stunning characters who give a voice to many different types of animals. Anuk is widely known to all through how she has influenced everyone in some way or another. She’s very generous with the others when it comes to knowledge and stories while always being very open with everyone around her, which draws people to her. The bonds between Anuk and her friends are based on loyalty and understanding, which is seen through every interaction.

The adventure is centered around the mystical Book of Words which has stories that make significant impacts on the characters’ lives. Mondoux immerses you in this magical world with only a few reflections of the world we know, with every detail making this world feel like a wondrous place to explore. Magic touches everything in Anuk, which brings to life the culture and traditions of the Animal Beings through stunning descriptions, charming characters, and a dangerous adventure.