A Voice For Animals

The Alliance of Independent Authors - Author Member


27 APRIL 2020 BLOG 52 – Letters from Federica

Tears rolled down Mrs. Russo’s face. “I forgot about this day.” said Mrs. Russo. She looked at the back of the photograph. It read, “Mommy, this was a great day.” Written below were the lyrics to a song Federica had composed for her mother, with a note, “Mommy, if you’re nice to Leo, maybe he will sing it for you one day xxx.”

We had great days

You gave me great moments.

Your love was felt,

I flourished in it.

How magnificent we were.

You showered me with such love.

I was your daughter.

Forever in your heart.

Forever one heart.

Mother, Mother, a love of all love.

A love from a soul to another.

A soul that never wanders.

I love her so.

Our day on the beach,

A good day for us both.

I remember like yesterday.

She held me so close.

A one time, a good day.

I discovered my mother.

Her heart free.

Her tight embrace.

She laughed so,

And laughed out loud.

My mother, I discovered that day.

Mother, Mother, a love of all love.

A love from a soul to another.

A soul that never wanders.

I love her so.

Her toes deep in the sand.

She played with me.

She let herself go.

Courage showered her.

To be my mother.

And offered her hand.

For me to follow.

I embraced her,

Without fear or doubt.

That was a great day for us both.

It was my best day.

It was my saddest day.

It was our last day.

Mother, Mother, a love of all love.

Where did she go?

I love her so.

I’ll wait for her.

Mother, Mother…

I’ll wait for her.

            “My daughter has a way with words.” said Mrs. Russo.