A Voice For Animals

The Alliance of Independent Authors - Author Member


27 APRIL 2020 BLOG 25

To embrace such blessings, I decided to be in the right spiritual moment every day of my life. Of course, I need to remind myself, bring myself back to this moment…I’m a living human being like all of you, however, my decision to live on the path of least resistance that is aligned with my soul is paramount…it is all that matters. And since it is all that matters…and now and only then can the greatest gift that I have to share be my presence.

Salt in my eyes

Salt in my eyes,

The wind in my sail.

Drifting out to sea.

A passage of time in search of me,

Into the sunset I see the way.

I feel every wave.

I drift and drift away.

Salt in my eyes,

I drift out to sea.

Hmm, Hmm, Hmm.

A stormy cloud ahead,

I drift into the darkness.

The pounding waves.

God help me, God save me.

Hmm, Hmm, Hmm.

Hmm, Hmm, Hmm.

My soul is in peril,

My world is unknown.

I search for land, I search for life.

Wave crash against my sail.

Salt in my eyes,

I search for land, I search for life.

The sunset is gone.

Salt in my eyes,

I drift out to sea.

Hmm, Hmm, Hmm.

A stormy cloud ahead.

I drift into the darkness.

The pounding waves,

God help me, God save me.

Hmm, Hmm, Hmm.

Hmm, Hmm, Hmm.

The dawn of a new day,

My body is beaten.

Salt in my eyes,

I reach for first light.

Good morning sunrise,

It’s a new day, it’s a new day.

The wind in my sail,

A new light on my face.

The web of my life,

Drifts through stormy seas.

In search of the light,

I always find my way.

Hmm, Hmm, Hmm.

Whoa, la, la, la, la.

The dawn of a new day,

I reach for the light,

I reach for the light,

Hmm, hmm, la, la.

Mélina ate her breakfast quietly. She reflected on her dream with Marshmallow.

“Mélina, would you like another cup of mint tea?”

“Yes, Mama, thank you.” Mélina put her cup down on her plate.

“Mama. Have you ever asked yourself the question Who Am I?”

Mr. Love walked into the kitchen and overheard the question and said: “Excellent question, and I would love a cup of mint tea.”.

“Tea leaves picked fresh from the garden this morning.” said Mrs. Love. She poured them both a cup of tea.

Mélina looked into her teacup as though she were searching for the answer. “Papa, excellent question. Why is that an excellent question?”

“Because, my darling, every day you ask that question, you will obtain a different answer.” Mr. Love sipped his tea loudly. “Delicious.”

“Mélina, darling.”

“Yes, Mama?”

“Who you are is much more than who you see in the mirror my darling.”

“Who I see in the mirror? Who do I see in the mirror?” asked Mélina.  

Mélina sipped her tea. “Papa and Mama. Why will I obtain a different answer to the same question Who Am I tomorrow?”

“Are you the same today, darling, as you were when you were five years old?” asked Mrs. Love.

“No Mama.”

“That’s the answer for today darling.” said Mr. Love. “I’ll walk you to school today.”

“One more question, Papa, before we go. The ‘me’ I see in the mirror is part of my soul, that is part of the whole of who I am, of my soul?”

“Yes, love.” replied Mrs. Love. “How did you come to know this Mélina?”

“I feel it, Mama, when I ask the question.”

“What else does your soul say to you?” asked Mr. Love.

“I’m expanding. I’m growing.”

Mr. Love put on his coat and boots. “Darling, always listen to your inner guidance. Trust that you will figure it out as you go along. Who Am I…an excellent question. Time for school love.”

“Do you have piano lessons after school today, Mélina?”

“Yes Mama. I’ll see you tonight!”

He held his father’s hand all the way to school and she sang a song.

Clouds at my feet

Clouds at my feet,

I skipped here and there.

Light on my feet,

I dance here to there.

I sing for you,

I sing for me,

With clouds at my feet.

Today I’m a girl,

Tomorrow a boy,

Sometimes both.

I like them both.

My dancing heart.

A melody to my soul.-

I cradle myself in the palm of my hand,

So gentle, so strong.

I tiptoe along with the clouds at my feet,

My dancing heart floats,

I feel so light.

Do I touch the ground

With clouds at my feet?

My dancing heart,

A melody to my soul,

Light on my feet.

La, la, la, la.

La, la, la, la.

La, la, la, Whoa.

La, la, la.

Today I’m a girl,

Tomorrow a boy,

Sometimes both.

I like them both.

My dancing heart.

A melody to my soul.

La, la, la, la.

La, la, la, la.

La, la, la, Whoa.

La, la, la.