A Voice For Animals

The Alliance of Independent Authors - Author Member

Lyricist – Author, Poet Suzanne Mondoux – SONGS / POEMS OF THE DAY May 2020

1 May 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Lizard
Your internal power to rebirth
You’re the magical creature to your own survival
Like a lizard you are good-luck with your sneaky ways
Your good night vision protects against the unseen thing in life
When you crossed my path my attention was on you
I knew then I was blessed by the divine powers that be, it seems
You’re of every colour imaginable to my life
Such a lizard can be found all over the world
But there you were on my path
Some are territorial, others easily live with others
Which of the two are you
Are you a social lizard
Will you shed your skin with me
Night lizard you’re my kind of everything
I shine the light on you and I see right through you
You turn me on with the way you move
Dance closer to me
As anyone ever cared for what you like
You generate the life in me
You’re most visible in the night light
Lizard you easily see left and right
You saw me coming, you see us coming
From any direction lizard I’m yours
Tonight and forever
Come dance with me, come closer
You’re the folklore of my story
I love you so, my night lizard
Come closer, give me life
Suzanne Mondoux
1 May 2020

2 May 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Cat Talk
You wake me every morning with your cat talk
You sit with me when I’m sad
You wait for me by the window
You’re cat talk greets me the moment I walk in
You mean every word
You’re always honest
You’re always there
Cat talk is never misleading
Cat talk tells me what you want me to hear
Cat talk means something to you and me
What do you really do when I’m not home
What do you think when you’re on your own
What do you feel when there’s no cat talk
Cat talk is how you’ve learned to talk to me
But I know you just by the way you sit, by the way you look at me
I know you without the cat talk
I know you as you are
I know you as you
Cat talk is not for the faint hearted
Cat talk is for the listener
Cat talk only when necessary
Cat talk only when something to say
Cat talk, I’m honoured you’re talking to me
Suzanne Mondoux
2 May 2020

3 May 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Love Dance
I walked along this distant road
Never been before, never knew was there
I saw a light in the distance glittering between the trees
I followed the path to the light
There I found birds dancing in the sun
A love dance they said it was
A love dance only seen in the sunlight
A love dance only felt in the light
A love dance only danced when in the light
I walked along this distant road
It looked familiar, it felt familiar
I saw a figure up ahead
I walked towards it, it walked towards me
There I was standing in front of me
I held me in my arms for a slow dance
I danced me here and there along the road
The love dance I said we were dancing
I looked around and there we were amongst a crow
A love dance in my own arms
A love dance to just hold myself
A love dance to hold myself in the vision of what I want,
Of what I want to be
I walked along a distant road
So familiar this road
I knew I was walking home
I walked alone with no one or anything in sight
It was the first time I felt love
I knew I was not alone or had ever been alone
I love danced my way home
I love danced my life from this moment on
Suzanne Mondoux
3 May 2020

4 May 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Daisy
Daisy you look so fine
So gentle you are
You seem so common
But you’re not alone
You’re family of colour covers this field
This field of battle so many have seen
I watched you bend in the wind
I lay next to you
Daisy at my hands and feet
I rest my head on you
Daisy, you saw me fall
You saw me go to sleep
Daisy, crushed beneath my bleeding body
I felt your warmth
I saw you looking at me
Daisy, so many bodies drape this field
Not one common
No two the same
Daisy, you drank my tears
New daisies, new field
Daisy, life goes on
Suzanne Mondoux
4 May 2020

5 May 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Lune
I see you looking at me every night
Sometime I see you face in the light of day
In your eclipse a right balance is struck
My Lune you set my mood
I’m drawn to you
No lunacy in the realm of our reality
Lune so full of life, not dry and dead
You’re crest in your north, south, east and west
Lune of harvest for life
Lune a place to rest
You circle my world
Not once but twice
You came to me in the night
Lune you sat at my window and shone bright
You let me sleep in your light
Lune you lit up my path
You showed me the way to walk in the darkest of nights
I found my way through the forest
There in your light all was right
Lune of the night fairies, wave up at you
They jump from star to star to greet you
I see you looking at me every night
My Lune, my lunacy is meant to be
My Lune, in the light of your shadow
This too can be, what better contrast than lunacy
To see the light of the one and only Lune in the sky
My Lune, your full and bright
What else is there to see
Suzanne Mondoux
5 May 2020

6 May 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Étoile
It seems I come from you
It seems we, all life comes from you
Étoile so close and yet so far
How many lifetimes will it take before I reach this light
I’ve traveled alone all of my life
Sometimes I see, sometimes I don’t
I’ve forgotten to look up for you
In the darkest of skies I could not see you
Étoile, I’m to wish upon you
Twinkle twinkle they say to you Étoile
Yet no wish comes true but life continues
Twinkle twinkle Étoile
Where are you
Étoile you take so many shapes
In your celestial sphere you become many
I see animals and creatures
You even dip a little or a lot
Sometimes Étoile you show me the hunter, the twin and the bull
Étoile, where am I in this celestial design
Twinkle twinkle Étoile
Sometimes you fall
Does your light go out
Étoile, twinkle twinkle in this grand design
With your angel-like wings
So bright you rain down on me
I wish upon Étoile
I wish upon Étoile
I seek balance where I see you
You embrace notable stars
On the equator of my life
I wish upon Étoile
Suzanne Mondoux
6 May 2020

7 May 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Pride
It’s so easy to be all that you can be
It’s so funny when others tell you who you are
It’s so prideful they say when you do what’s right for you
It’s pride they say when they see you in your bliss
You smile and are happy when you talk
How prideful you are
I say be proud of who you are
Be proud of what you accomplished for you
Be proud of you no matter what others say
Pride is but a place to be just for you
Pride is for you to see you through what others want to put you through
Pride is the bridge of life to step from here to there
Pride is a blessing of loving you
Soar into this world with your head up high
Others will do their best to crash you down and smash your head into the ground
Let them smash their own heads into the ground
Their own words believed for you are meant for them
They believe they harm you or show you what’s right
Hmm, pride protects you in the knowing of who you are
Thank them for showing you that you are strong
Thank them for the contrast they showed you
Thank them for all that you know is prideful
Amen to me and you
Be proud, and pride your way into this world
Loving you is the best place to be
Pride is the easy way of being you
Pride for the love you and the love of others
Pride of self, proud of others
Suzanne Mondoux
7 May 2020

8 May 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Rainbow
It’s where I want to be in the heart of the rainbow
In the right sequence of colours throughout my arch of life
So long as I blend into me I’m free
There’s a pot of gold at the begin, middle and end
There’s no ending to all dreams
Rainbow of life to show me the way
I see you ahead and behind
You rise high above me to give me somewhere to reach
Rainbow in the sky, rainbow in my heart
All the same, I walk my way in and around you
So long as I blend into me I’m free
I take my suitcase and off I go
I follow my rainbow coloured road
I conquer all that’s ahead of me
Rainbow in the night sky
I see you here so bright
Rainbow of my life is where I want you to be
I see you where I decide to see
Rainbow after the rain
I see you as you are
Take all the time you need to come to me
I wait for you before and after the rain
I watch you form into the ray of life for all to see
Rainbow of life you are the same rainbow at death
You are always there
Just in a different light can I see you
Just in a different light can anyone see anyone
Rainbow of life you are always there
Chose the light from which to see
I take my pot of gold with me where ever I go
Rainbow of life I just want to sit here
For a while, you and me
Rainbow of life
Suzanne Mondoux
8 May 2020

9 May 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Diamond
Deep from the belly of the earth
I am found
I am found in stars
I am found all around
You smile at me as I sparkle back at you
I’m the diamond you find so beautiful
But you don’t really know where I come from
I’m a promise of love and hope
I’m a promise of so many dreams
I’m the diamond from this earth
Diamond from the land that is wild
Diamond from a land that is pure
Diamond from a place that is whole
I am found to beautify
What is left behind when I am found
You can have me but with balance
How is this reached
Whose hand did it come from
Whose life did it come from
Diamond from a land of cries
Diamond from a land of blood
Diamond of despair
Diamond of conflict
Diamond of the free
Can the two really be
Where do I come from
I’m a diamond in the rough
To be polished and beautified
I’m in a place to dangle
Then put away
To raise me, I’m locked away
To showcase me, you show me off
I’m diamond from a place that no long is
Diamond of promise for so many
Suzanne Mondoux
9 May 2020

10 May 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Cherry
I stand in the sea of no beginning and no end
The land is not far nor is it near
This great big world of life all around
They say it’s better with a cherry on top
The cherry of life to be found all around
Sometimes I find I’ve no where to go
Sometimes I find there’s too many choices
Cherry cola
Cherry ice cream
Cherry on top
Cherry on top of life
Hmm, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa
Hmm, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa
Cherry on top of life
Where do I go on with this
Cherry land of rock n roll
Time takes me all around from here to there
I look on to this world with hope
I seek the cherry on top
Hmm, Whoa, Whoa
Is there such a world with a cherry on top
Is there such a place now or even a future
It seems to me we can seek for what we can create right now
Step away from your back against the wall
Share the bowl of cherries
The orchard is ready to be plucked
Take a handful of cherries and rejoice
Wait for nothing to say when we can have a life with a cherry on top
Don’t kill another you and me
Don’t kill another moment for such a day
The cherry tree is bending as far down as it can just for you
Receive the life of cherry harvest
Cherry on top
Hmm, Whoa, Whoa
La, la, la
Suzanne Mondoux
10 May 2020

11 May 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Funny

Funny how life turned out for you and me
Some things came to be others not
Far in the distance of life things discovered
Some funny some not
We can laugh now
But there was a time there was no laughter
It was not funny to you, to be me
What came to be, only you can say
Only I can say what came to be in my reality
Funny seemed to be over rated
Now funny is funny
How funny can life be
While others laugh, see all of life as funny
Others cry, see all of life as tears, that’s a reality
Life goes on and on, funny or not
Funny, isn’t it, how life turns out for you and me
Funny for me, not funny for you
Now sometimes that can be funny
I laugh, you say stupid joke
Now that’s funny
This makes the world go round, funny or not
It’s so easy to laugh out loud at something that is funny
Sometimes there’s nothing funny and we still laugh out loud
How can this be
Is this funny
What a funny world we live in
Funny how life turned out for you and me, and we live in the same world
We live on the same planet
Is this funny, or not
Suzanne Mondoux
11 May 2020

12 March 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Cat Dance
I watched you dance from here to there
So smooth, so fine, so fun
The music moved with you
How nice it was to watch
Like a cat dance in the grass chasing this and that
It was eloquent, sexy, and divine
Cat dance in my arms
Watch me move to your music
Cat dance under the light of the moon
Watch the moon move to your music
Light on your feet when you land
You balance on the tree of life
Cat dance in the sky, it’s a new star
Come close, stay close to home
Where do you go when you’re not home
The night is long, I search for you in the stars
Nocturnal cat dance so far from home
Come close, stay close to home
Cat dance at my door, can this be so
You’re honesty is supreme
You’re desire clear
So many wounds to dance away
Cat dance in the light of day
Feel warmth of the sun on your face
Instead of sleeping it away
You were on the hunt, cat dance far from home
It’s time to bask on the porch
Feel the breeze on your face
On my lap you shall sleep
Suzanne Mondoux
12 May 2020

13 May 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Buddha Smile
So much cause to smile instead of crying
So much cause to fill your hearts with love instead of hate
So much cause to love one another instead of killing each other
Smile as the Buddha smile’s
Buddha smile so bright and soft
Big belly laugh to heal the soul
Big belly laugh to heal your heart
Buddha smile at my grave, I’ll have it no other way
Buddha smile when I cry, I’ll see you no other way
Buddha smile for a long happy life, now you can join me
Hmm, La, La, La, Buddha smile is free
All smiles are free, hmm, La, La, La,
You give some, you take some, Whoa, La, La, La
C’est la vie to be sad and life is hard they
Hmm, La, La,
I say no, Buddha smile instead, come here instead
C’est la vie to be joyful, something new I know
Buddha smile, so simple, not new
Hmm, La, La, La
La vie est belle with a Buddha smile
Big belly laugh for all of us
Together big smiles makes for a better world for you and me
Buddha smile is a Freddie Mercury smile
Now that’s a smile
Whoa, La, La, La
Suzanne Mondoux
13 May 2020

14 May 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Silver lining

Is this a tragedy or the silver lining in the story
Is this real life, reality to the world around
I look up at the sky to see what’s around me
I’m just me seeking for absolution
To me the death of me is the silver lining in all of my life
Life has just begun never have thrown anything away
This time tomorrow I will be no more but a spec of dust in the soil
I will have grown into me for the first time
I will have lived for me and no other
To you that will be the death me
To me that is the silver lining in the life you have afforded me
I didn’t want to die while still alive
I stand in the silhouette of my life
My silver lining of life
I stand away from your shadow
I’ve committed my crimes against me
I’ve sinned only against myself and no other
No, No, No, don’t take this one as your life to bear
You can’t stop me from ending this life
You can see me bask in the silver lining of this dark cloud
You can leave me to die while I’m still alive
I’m no fool to you, even though you see me as so
All life is but a moment I intent to embrace without your orders
Nothing really matters unless it means something to me
The wind blew me into my silver lining of this stormy cloud
No one sits in my shadow I set for myself
To seek such a real life is seeking a fantasy you desire
Seek it with all your might, it is where the sliver lining resides
Some things will seem easy to come by, others not
Let it go, don’t try so hard, all will come
I just killed myself today
I refused to die while I’m still alive
All life has a silver lining
All breath for life is a sliver lining
Escape from the false reality of a world unknown to you
The silver lining in this story is absolution you seek
Sit in a pool of pity for only so long
I didn’t mean to make myself cry
It’s too late for anything new to come
Silver lining of this infectious pool of life
What was I born from
I’m neither a small or big person
I’m the lead actor of my own life
I wrote the script to curtain close
Oh life let me go before I die while I’m still alive
I sought the silver lining when you spit in my eye
Suzanne Mondoux
14 May 2020

15 May 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Lightning
I’m crazy about you, I’m crazy about you
Oh ya this is the way I feel for you baby
You’re the lightning bolt in my heart
I’m drunk on the love for you
The lightning bolt in my heart is just fine
I say baby you’re destined to be mine
I love you so
You’re the lightning bolt in my heart
Oh baby, no point in standing around
Come dance with me and get crazy with me
Oh, ya, hmm, ya, hmm, hmm
I’m going to waste no time
When lightning strikes its time to strike
Right now for you and me
You make we weak in the knees
I’ll fall on my face for you any day darling
Hmm, oh darling, you have all my tenderness
You’re the lightning bolt in my heart
While I’m here waiting you have all my tenderness
This is not just sentimental words to woo your soul
I love you so, the love of my life
Lightning only strikes once
I don’t plan on wasting this
Oh darling, I catch your light in my hand
My tender heart hit hard with your lightning bolt through my soul
No weary words between us
Lightning bolt through my soul, oh what a feeling
I never want to let go
Call on me for all you need
Lightning only strikes once
Look how we laugh so much
I’m so in love with you
Lightning only strikes once
And I’m glad it was you
Suzanne Mondoux
15 May 2020

16 May 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Not Much To Say
Hmm, Whoa, Hmm, La, La
The field of battle is cleared of life
All bodies dismantled and left to rot
How beautiful this spring day
Not much to say so long as we live this way
Speeches, senates, and rulers
Not much to say in the way of peace and love
Hmm, Whoa, La, La
Hmm, Whoa, La, La
Riots, debates, and insults
Not much to say for harmony
How far we’ve come
How far we’ve fallen
Take away the lies
What lies beneath silenced hearts
When bound to speak no more
Not much to say for the fallen
Not much to say when imprison
Hmm, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa
Not long ago I couldn’t speak
Not long ago I couldn’t vote
I had not much to say for hate and war
I had not much to say for deceit and pride
Feeling of despair in the light of tomorrow
No man, woman or child could speak
For all tongues were cut out
There was not much say for a new day
Hmm, La, La, La
Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa
La, La, La
I have not much to say for letting this go on
I have not much to say on anything but love and peace
I have not much to say on anything but harmony for you and me
Suzanne Mondoux
16 May 2020

17 May 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Stay With Me

I want to find my way home with you
But it’s not what you want
Want you all to myself like a child with a toy
But you say meet someone new
Want you to climb the highest mountains with me
But you walk the other way in the valley
We’ve gone this way before
Do we need to do this again
Stay with me for longer this time
Stay with me for love this time
Stay with me, stay with me
Stay with me because its what you want again
One day we’ll talk again and understand what we didn’t
But it’s not what you want
When you turn from me all the time I’m cold and lonely
But you never ask me about how I’m doing
You don’t know anything else
You don’t even want to know
I want to know you in these times, sit with you and hold your hand
I want to do what lovers do in the moonlight
But you do this with someone new
Do we need to do this again
Stay with me for longer this time
Stay with me for love this time
Stay with me, stay with me
Stay with me because its what you want again
I want to be in your heart, know you in these times
I want to love you so easily
But you embrace someone new
Do we need to do this again
Suzanne Mondoux
17 May 2020

18 May 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Let Me Go

Is this the life for me, will there be nothing else
Behind these bars and bound with chains
Open your eyes to the world you created for me
I’m just a Being like you, I need what you need
Because I don’t read like you, speak like you
Live differently then you do, I’m still life, and alive
It’s not the way things have always been
Human Being, I am Animal Being
Holding me captive does not make you whole
Killing me does not make you strong
You put a gun to my head because I just killed a man
I was left with no choice to take this life
You gave it freely when you came after mind
But for now I’m of value to you, somehow
You take my child and cut off my hands
To some you cut off their face to steal their tusks,
This is just some of the things you do
It’s not too late, the time has not come
Let me go into the world as I should be
Let yourself go into this world in harmony with Animal Being
Let me go away from chains and all human constraints
I see the soul in you that wants this so
I see the fear in you that fights what you think you can’t let go
Let me go and follow our herd
See a different way forward for you and me
I see our silhouette side by side
Caught up in love, in co-existence for the first time in humanity
But I’m just Animal Being who doesn’t feel, who doesn’t think
I’m just instinct you say, what do I know
Let me go in my world and follow our herd
Let me go in our world and do something new
Let me go in this lifetime, the next generation will see how it’s done
You think you can hold me without any change to me, or you
I cry like you, Human Being
I am Being, life in my form
Let me go to live my life
This is how you will live your best life
Suzanne Mondoux
18 May 2020

“Human Being coexistence with Animal Being will be the Humans’ greatest victory.”

~Suzanne Mondoux

19 May 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Release Me
Release me from this darkness, the light taken away
I was well until you came into my life filled with hopes and aspirations
In doing so you forgot the cost to your life
You fell out of harmony with yourself and then me and all other Animal Beings
It’s not me you want to fill your belly with, your wallet and your life
It’s you that you seek to fill this void
Release me from your bondage of your vision of what’s needed to live
Release me from your way of believing this is necessary to evolve
Release me from your fears of feeling all this is required
Release me from you entirely so you can free yourself into the life you desire
I walk this earth as you do, for the same reason as you do
I have a life to live, a life to give, my own existence to fulfill
You have no part in it, as I have no part in yours
We do coexist where we find the harmony
Release me from you,
Only when you’re in harmony with yourself can we be in harmony with each other
Release me from your idea of consumerism
Release me for all man kind
Release me for the well-being of humanity
Cash in your chips to the world you created
Open your mind and your heart to new solutions
You can have all you desire without any destruction
Re-plant, bring back life as the ultimate goal
This is possible, when you believe it so
Release me and you into this world
Release me for your life depends on it
When all is said and done, all Animals don’t need Humans to live
This earth provides us with all that we need
You my dear Human friend – you only live because mother nature
Take her away, release me before it’s too late
Release me because only your life depends on it
Suzanne Mondoux
19 May 2020
“Human Being coexistence with Animal Being will be the Humans’ greatest victory.”
~Suzanne Mondoux

20 May 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Cranberry
So bright this day of new ideas and life to live
The day has begun and the world is awakening
No one gets to run away or hide away
You’ve taken all you can and left little or nothing behind
Got what you came for
Mother nature shows what you need
Hmm, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa,
It’s all in front of you, but you’ve got one cranberry field left
Cranberry field for the masses
When you’re in need of food it provides you with all that you need
Hmm, La, La, La,
Cranberry field for the masses
When you’re left with what you left behind and all hope is lost
Look to your cranberry field for the life it provides
From the birds, to the insect and where the water goes
All will be right
Now it’s a new day
Some bellies are full, some are empty
Only a crop away
You tried to find some other way but mother nature showed you again
As a matter of survival, she helped you again
You’re getting used to life without demands in your own way
Hmm, Whoa, Whoa
Hmm, Whoa, Whoa
It’s all in front of you, but you’ve got one cranberry field left
Cranberry field for the masses
When you’re in need of food it provides you with all that you need
Cranberry field for the masses
When you’re left with what you left behind and all hope is lost
Look to your cranberry field for the life it provides
From the birds, to the insect and where the water goes
All will be right
Cranberry field for the masses
When you’re in need of food it provides you with all that you need
Cranberry field for the masses
Look to your cranberry field for the life it provides
From the birds, to the insect and where the water goes
All will be right
Whoa, Whoa, La, La,
Suzanne Mondoux
20 May 2020
“Human Being coexistence with Animal Being will be the Humans’ greatest victory.”
~Suzanne Mondoux

21 May 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Violin
Dancing through life with a violin
There is no black or white in this world
We fight for an existence given to all of us
Some take what is not there’s to take
Other’s give what is not there’s to give
A world filled with music of a violin
We can stomp our feet to the beat
We can sit back and rejoice in the melody
The world of the violin
Only wood and strings needed to make such music
To breath in its life directly to the soul
Oh violin, love of my life
So peaceful and so fun
Such gentle strings of life and yet so strong
You guide me home
There’s no going wrong with you by my side
Violin, you’ve traveled the world
Sooth so many souls
Found many homes
Yet, you always found your way back to a world that needs you
To find you in a place where there’s no sound
Where there’s no music
Violin, back in my arms
There’s no going wrong with you by my side
I know where I belong when I’m with you
Violin, you’ve shared in my every dream
We’ve lived on the street
We’ve lived in the finest of castles
We’ve lived in the grandest of theatres
Violin, you were always with me
How you survived
How we survived such a wonderful journey
No two day or night the night same
Violin, you have seen it all with me
Violin, love of my life
Suzanne Mondoux
21 May 2020

22 May 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Thunder
You played with my heart, with every bit of my emotions
You killed me with the pounding of my soul
How you brought me to my knees
So thunderous you are, you’re heart of thunder
You felt so close, yet all this time you were miles away like thunder
No justification for your heart of thunder
Baby your heart of thunder brought me to my knees
So easily seduced
So easily I laid down my soul for you
The storm around you, I adored
Like thunder you moved all around me
I was caught in such a storm
In the heat of your passion for me, I thought
Baby your heart of thunder brought me to my knees
When I saw you, you were so out of reach
Never to be truly touched by you
But affected by you, your heart of thunder
So close and yet so far, you were always out of reach
Heart of thunder, I felt every beat
I chased the storm, and left stranded in the field of dangerous love
Baby your heart of thunder brought me to my knees
Alone in my deep desire, I felt I would die without you
How you made me feel, I believed
Such sweet words dripped from those lips
Had I seen it was the beginning of the thunderous storm
I was mesmerised, in love with what I believed I saw in front of me
I didn’t know I was in they eye of storm
Baby your heart of thunder brought me to my knees
Hmm, Whoa, Whoa
Suzanne Mondoux
22 May 2020

23 May 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Heard this Before
Come on, you think I haven’t heard this before
You tell me you love me and then you say you’ll stay
Tomorrow baby you’ll be gone
I’ve been hear before
How can anything change when you do the same thing
All the time, it’s the same song and dance with you
I’ve heard this before baby
Sooner or later something will give between you and me
You say you’ve heard this before
My darling, my love is grand for you but how can we go on like this
It’s all but smoke and mirrors
The lies we tell ourselves
I’ve heard this before
You don’t say or do anything anymore
I’ve heard this before
Baby, can we dance to a different tune
Oh darling, I’ve heard it all before
Hmm, Whoa, Whoa, Hmm, Darling
It’s all but this one life we live and lets make it nicer between us
I’ve heard this all before
For the sake of one day of peace between us
Lets stop hurting each other
I’ve heard it all before
We’ve done all we could to each other
Instead of just loving each other
Oh darling, Hmm, Whoa, Whoa
I’ve heard it all before
What more can be said and done
Can we just love each other instead
Suzanne Mondoux
23 May 2020

24 May 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Call Of The Wild
It was all I could do
Answer the call of the wild
I was off in a flash and never returned
I yearned for air in my lung
I yearned for life in my body
The call of the wild is all I could hear
I ventured to all parts of the world
I sought great feats, and conquered them all
I reached for the stars and touched every one
The call of the wild fuelled my soul
I claimed my own life
What a life I lived
Day after day I listed for the call of the wild
Call of the wild is all I wanted
Call of the wild captured my essence
I was all I could be
I was me, so wild and free
My soul at peace
I’m wrinkled and grey now
I still listen for the call of the wild
I still yearn for air in my lungs, and life in my body
The call of the wild is still all I can hear
Every day is a new beginning
I’m still me, wild and free
They say I don’t have much longer
How silly they are
I’m listening for the call of the wild
My journey never ends, only fools believe this is so
Call of the wild, touched my life, my world
Call of the wild, I am always what I want to be
Suzanne Mondoux
24 May 2020

25 May 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Blood Soul
Take me anywhere you want to go
Leave no traces behind
Here or there, makes no difference
Watch out for your step, someone is not watching
You scream in the night
Blood soul, who’s tormenting you
There’s something hiding in the shadows
Blood soul, watch out for who you can’t see
Blood soul, watch out, your night is long
Alone in your darkness
The blood of your soul drips in your eye
Scream all you want, no one can hear you
In the long dark tunnel of your life, what do you see
What’s been seen before, you’re blood soul, it drips all around
What have you done to it
You’ve taken out your heart, was it worth it
No point in crying, no one is watching
No one cares
Blood soul, the wound is too deep, so what can be done
It’s a cold night, you can’t feel much
You’ve taken this too far
Watch out for what you’ve done
Blood soul, no point in looking back
Take a step forward
Wrap your hands around you dripping soul
Look around, no one is near
All souls have left and expect none to return
What have you done to make your soul bleed as so
Blood soul, you have a long night
Take comfort in this knowing of what you’ve done
Blood soul, only you can stop this agony
Suzanne Mondoux
25 May 2020

26 May 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Origin
Carry me on the wings of a dove
Or on a magic carpet so I can soar the sky
See the world, see where I come from
From which stardust do I hail from
What imaginary creation have I design for myself
The origin of my life, what can be more divine
The origin of my soul, what have I decided
The origin of my humanity, what have I acted on
A storm of the cosmos to find life
Life always seems to find a way
What is the origin of life
What is the origin of creation
What is the origin of God
The origin of the idea of existence
Without anything or anyone, does it still exist
Does the rock wonder of it origin
Does flowing water look for its source
Do we need to know life’s origin to exist
The origin of an original thought
Is there such a thing,
The origin of sound
Is there such a thing,
The origin of love
Is there such a thing,
Suzanne Mondoux
26 May 2020

27 May 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Night-light

Hmm, Whoa, Hmm, Whoa
La, La, La, La, La
How lovely you are in the twilight of your life
Aglow in the night-light
I see you there my lovely
Care to dance with me
Such a radiant beauty, my lovely
The night-light looks good on you
Still risqué in the twilight of our love
The night-light awakens you my lovely
Carefree in all obscurity
Before dawn spicy senses provokes the night-light
In my arms to soon daybreak
I’m dreaming of a new day with you my love
We live our fantasy
Admiration for your afterglow
Night-light looks good on you darling
Hmm, Whoa, Hmm, Whoa
La, La, La, La, La
Ablaze my love for you
Tenderness of the night-light illuminates my fondness for you
Mon amour keeps me in rapture
Night-light evokes my sentiments
Lustrous affections praise the rising of the moon
Reverence to nightfall lets me cast a shadow
Night-light captures the brilliant mood
Moonbeam glitters tracing your silhouette on me
Streaks of night-light on me, you my lovely
Hmm, Whoa, Hmm, Whoa
La, La, La, La, La
How lovely you are in the twilight of your life
My lovely, the night-light looks good on you
Hmm, my lovely, my night-light
Suzanne Mondoux
27 May 2020

28 May 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Elephant Song
Sing with me and know our voices
I’m more than what you see
I’m well known for what you see
Do you see our trumpets raised to the sky
I’m more than what you hear
Elephant song roaring through the jungle
Elephant song grunting at each other
Elephant song barking for conversation
Elephant song snorting for pleasure
Elephant song crying from a broken heart
I have much to sing about
I am Elephant Being with an Elephant Song
Look around at what you’ve done
I remember you always
You forget me tomorrow
So grand my tusks for you cut off my face,
To show me off on your mantelpiece
Elephant song in your house
Can you hear my cries for your forsaken life
All living Beings have a place in humanity
Humanity lives in the Animal Kingdom
The Animal Kingdom is made up of you and me
Elephant song roaring through your heart
Elephant song singing for humanity
Suzanne Mondoux
28 May 2020

29 May 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – What You Feel In My Heart
When you talk of love for me I feel something different
Listen to me when I say I’m feeling more than satisfaction
Sometimes you say you love me just at the right time
This feels like a fleeing moment I want to bottle forever
I lose my mind when you say you love me
What you feel in my heart baby is more than words can describe
Just let me in for a moment longer instead of my turning away
I’m in your heart today and tomorrow what you feel in my heart is something else
Let me live in such a moment than just a flash of hope
I’m all but a mess, a heartbreak away never to recover
When you walk away I wish you goodbye forever
Hmm, Whoa, Hmm, Whoa
What you feel in my heart is more than words can describe
To where I once was filled with love
Never again to see those days
Hmm, Whoa, Hmm, Whoa
The blues of my heart and soul sing to me on and on
It’s my heart you’ve broken over and over again
All this love come and gone into a hollow shell of wonder
What could have been of all those dreams
Hmm, Whoa, Hmm, Whoa
What you feel in my heart lives no more than just a memory
I rushed around my soul to capture every moment
The glory of our love ripped my soul apart
Hmm, Whoa, Hmm, Whoa
What you feel in my heart baby you cruelly took away
There was no satisfaction in the love letter you left behind
There’s no room left in the space you left behind
What you feel in my heart is all but a memory
Don’t forget what’s been said and done, it’s your heart as well
Hmm, Whoa, Hmm, Whoa
I look away no more baby from what we had
What you feel in my heart was an open door
Hmm, Whoa, Hmm, Whoa
Suzanne Mondoux
29 May 2020

29 May 2020 – 2nd Song/Poem of the Day – Black Man Dead (In Memory of George Floyd and all the Human Beings dead by ignorance and fear)

Man on man arrested but not yet quite dead
Pleading for life, I would like to breath, once more
For me, for my mother, for my life
Is this my death sentenced, I did not see this coming
I called for help, my voice not heard
To frighten, uncertain, fear denies me my life
Black man dead in the arms of guardians
Hmm, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa
Hmm, Whoa, Whoa
Black man dead in the face of many
Black man dead in a single moment
Black man dead in comparison to what could be done differently
Hmm, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa
Hmm, Whoa, Whoa
I draw compassion to such contrast
Differences, disconnection, dissimilarity, unlikeness
Unlikeliness of me seeing tomorrow
I’m another black man dead, today and tomorrow
I’m every man, woman and child, dead, today, and tomorrow
Despite my crime, despite my wrong doings, despite all things
Being unknown, being unseen, that’s on all of us
Being black, an unusual death sentence, yet popular, too familiar
Did you hear me calling for help
Where were you, what did you do
Where was I in all of this
My pleas muffled by ignorance and fear
Black man dead in the arm of guardians
Hmm, Whoa, Whoa, Hmm,
Bystanders terrified, they too couldn’t breath
I was lost in the crowd, in the screams to let me breath
In the screams so loud could not be heard
Black man dead
Hmm, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa
Hmm, Whoa, Whoa
Black man dead, the more I die, the more you die
But I choose to let the love in now, my soul lives on in love
For the love me, my memory, despite what you remember of me
Suzanne Mondoux
29 May 2020

30 May 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Elephant Magic
Let there be light on the souls of all living Beings
Abracadabra, Hmm, La, La, La
I create as I speak
Let us all create as we speak
Do we strive together or do we perish together
Elephant Magic for the young and the old
What’s the other magic words — to realize this dream
Pardon me for my ignorance, now I know better, I will do better
I’m sorry for not doing anything when I had the power and wisdom to do differently
Excuse me for believing I have dominion over life, all life
Please accept my apology for killing you in waste and experimenting with you
Dominion over you as my duty is to protect you, and not abuse you to for my own end
Thank you for accepting me into your kingdom as an equal
Abracadabra, Hmm, La, La, La
I endeavour to conjure Elephant Magic
Abracadabra, Hmm, La, La, La see disappear before your eyes all justifications
But, Because, They, If, I Can’t
Elephant Magic allures me into a new and better world
Divination through gentle atonement and love of self
The power of the occult of Elephant Beings and All Animal Beings
Sorcery in its eloquent and wise incantation of invoking Elephant Magic
Abracadabra, Hmm, La, La, La
What power you have over Human Hearts
Exorcising ourselves from our own evils, fear of our own love for self and others
Calling on all the power of Elephant Magic
Bewitch us to save our souls
Remember us better than we were
Suzanne Mondoux
30 May 2020

31 May 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – The Flame Inside Me
My sacred way to rock n roll music inside me
I sing to the Gods of drums, electric guitar and on and on
No more melancholy blues melodies
The flame inside me lights my way to my rock n roll soul
Whoa, Whoa, Ya, Hmm, Whoa, Whoa
Hear my lyrics, more than just words
Clean that needle and wipe that vinyl
So gentle they touch, so magnificent the sound
Together the flame inside me, my rock n roll soul
So young, so old, no matter, the flame shines bright
Whoa, Whoa, Ya, Hmm, Whoa, Whoa
The flame inside me blows my mind
It amazes me, oh ya, to shine in the light of rock n roll
The best things in life, this one so simple, yet so refine
The flame inside me resonates on my piano
The flame inside me jumps out of the drums
The flame inside me springs from the guitar
Are you mesmerised yet, so seductive, Ya, Hmm, Whoa
Catch the sound in your hand
Feel the hmmmmm in your body
What a ride, like a ride in a fast car
Blow yourself a kiss, raise your arms in the air
Feel the flame inside me, inside such a small space
So big the aura, so grand, so bright the rock n roll inside me
The flame inside me, here I stand and see everything
It’s a new day with the flame inside me
No matter if you don’t understand, it’s a rock n roll feeling
All good, you can come to know this love for rock n roll
This flame inside me, Hmm, Whoa, La, La, La
Suzanne Mondoux
31 May 2020