A Voice For Animals

The Alliance of Independent Authors - Author Member

Lyricist – Author, Poet Suzanne Mondoux – SONGS / POEMS OF THE DAY March 2020

1 March 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Fool in love
Candle light dinners
Your pillow talk is so sweet
You even showed me what a life together would look like
The jokes’ on me, isn’t it darling
I’m a fool in love
You wore all the right dresses
My favourite perfume and the colour of your lipstick
I’m a fool in love
So sweet our love affair
One of so many other fools in love
Loveable is what your are
You set the bait well, darling
I’m a fool in love
I’m seduced and can’t see going back
It’s the beginning of the end, time to move on you say
There’s another at your feet to take my place
I know your every move
I thought I knew what made you smile, what made you cry
I’m a fool in love with a woman I created in my mind
You never accepted my ring, you asked me to wait
There’s a knock at the door, it’s time for me to go
You kiss me on the forehead and say it was nice
I’m a fool in love with a woman I created
Another will easily take my place
A fool in love, that’s what I am, in love
I’m a fool in love
Suzanne Mondoux
1 March 2020
2 March 2020 Song/Poem of the day – Tangerine

Bright as you are my love
My tangerine love you make me smile
Together in our live, our laughs together
Come here my darling by my side and sit with me

Oh my tangerine love, so bright our love
In the length of life our love survived
My tangerine love dance with me

In the sweetness of our life you gave me so much love
My tangerine love
In the depth of our struggles we shine so bright
My tangerine love

My darling I smile because you smile
In the sorrows of our life you held us up high
My tangerine love thank you for such love

In the end of our life you left with the bright light
My tangerine love
All I can say is I love you
My tangerine love
What a life, so bright, so sweet
My tangerine love

Suzanne Mondoux
2 March 2020
3 March 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Stardust
Twinkle in my eye, stardust, stardust
Like diamonds dangling from the sky
You bring a twinkle in my eye
Kiss me baby before I go crazy
You leave a trail of stardust everywhere you go
My heart burst into stardust
Carry me away
When I look up at a the starry sky you’re all I could see
I see all of you, I feel all of you
I close my eyes, I dream of you
Stardust from heaven to earth
It’s blissful when you’re in my arms
A burst of stardust all around
So pretty you are, so luminous
Kiss me baby before I go crazy
Stardust, stardust, you’re the twinkle in my eye
My heart of hearts, the love of my life
Come here baby and dance with me
Leave a trail of stardust at my feet
All is right when you’re in my arms
It’s all I need,
A little bit of your stardust on my lips when I wake to start the day
Stardust, kiss me before I go crazy
My heart is made up of your stardust
Suzanne Mondoux
3 March 2020
4 March 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Snowflake
No two the same in love no matter where you look
No matter how far you go, no two the same
Love is like a snowflake
You are nothing like I’ve seen before
You are nothing like I’ve felt before, nothing like I’ve loved before
Baby you’re love is like a snowflake
Gentle and light
But it’s I who melts in your hand
You’re love is like no other
All it took was to see you once
When you smiled at me, my heart melted like a snowflake
All I could do was smile back
From the other end of the room I found my way to you
It was so easy when I saw you
I recognized no two are the same
You were dressed in white, I whispered snowflake
Snowflake, that’s how you’ll forever be in my heart
How could I be so lucky
There you were like a snowflake drifting down from the sky
I put out my hand and there you are
Gentle and light your love
Like a snowflake, but it’s I who melts in your hand
I had given up on love, ‘til I realized no two are the same
Snowflakes and love, no two are the same
Now winters are bright and the sky is blue
The grey in my life is gone
It only took one snowflake to open my eyes
And see the bright blue sky of the coldest winter of my life
Snowflakes and love, no two the same
Snowflake, a wonder of life
No two the same
Suzanne Mondoux
4 March 2020
5 March 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Harvest Moon
You grace me with your presences and still I shy away
I’m a stranger to these feelings
You shine so bright like the harvest moon
It seems I can reach out and touch you
You make it so easy to get a good view
Your light wraps around the sky
The air is cool in the glow of the harvest moon
Yet you warm my heart
The harvest moon illuminating path guides me to you
The fallen leaves under my feet sing to me
It’s the season to open my heart to love
Can my heart grow as big as the harvest moon
Will it shine as bright, can it give such love
I’m frightened of my own light
So tender such a heart, will it hurt again
Am I worthy, can I reap such love from this harvest moon
This harvest moon of the cool season of my life
Giving me its light to open my heart
A rare beauty before me
Can I reap the love of this harvest moon
The harvest moon of my life
Is there courage in my heart to step into the light
I see it clearly in the night sky
With grace the glow smiles back at me
With grace my heart turns to the harvest moon
So gentle my reach to embrace its light
Suzanne Mondoux
5 March 2020
6 March 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Stop You Crying
I’m sorry for what I’ve done and I know I’ve hurt you
So much gone wrong in what was a beautiful situation
I know you can’t go on and I’ve made you cry
Trust me when I say I want to stop you crying
There’s a whole world out there but you stayed
Baby you take my breath away and all I’ve done is make you cry
I want to stop you crying and make you smile
Darling it’s been a long road, even more for you
I don’t want you to go but I’ll understand if you do
Even when you say never will you go
I want to stop your crying if it’s the last thing I do
Before it’s too late and there’s no more life in me
This is what’s left of my mind, some sweet moment
Some more lucid then others, just enough to say I love you
You’re my darling, my best friend, my partner for life
Sometimes I remember good moments, you were not crying
Then the tears came, you held my hand and stayed at my side
I would change all this to see you smile for a day
When my mind is vile, know that I love you, know it’s not me
For a day will come when it’s all calm, the end has come
I would change it all and make it soon to stop you from crying
You tell me not to worry it’s just what you do to get by
Today you smiled, I saw you
You folded this letter and placed it near your heart
These are my last words to say I love you
My last wish was to stop you crying
All it took was my smile, lucid enough to blow you a kiss
You turned out the light and kissed me goodnight
Suzanne Mondoux
6 March 2020
7 March 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Find you Loving
How did we get here, I feel it’s the end for us
So much change and there’s no turning back
I find you loving another and there’s nothing left for me
So easy for you to move on, it seems
I find you loving another, is it so easy for you
Show me you have a little bit of pain
Is there anything you want to keep from us
Can it really be so over where finding you loving another is all there is
I’m in a class of my own, broken hearted and alone
You composed yourself so well and fell in love with another
I may just fool around for a while, I don’t see myself loving another so easily
But you’ve always been strong
You never hang on to things, you let go so easily
I could never know if that was good or bad
But I don’t want to judge, I just want to be able to love as you do
Even when I find you loving another
It’s so crazy how we’ve come to this crossroad
Finding you loving another was always going to be it seems
Am I crazy to think so, am I wrong
And finding you loving another doesn’t seem so wrong
Finding you loving another may be the best thing for me
May be the best thing for both of us
Of course life goes on and sometimes it involves loving another
Has it always been our destiny finding another to love
Everyone says to me take your time
There’s plenty of fish in the sea
But deep down I never wanted anyone else but you
I found myself in love with you and only you
Finding you loving another is the way now
Finding you loving another is part of me now
That is what I’ll keep from us
There’s no compensation for this but to move on
Suzanne Mondoux
7 March 2020
8 March 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Cash In
Throw out the trash and keep the best that you have
Out with the old and in with the new
Cash in what’s left and keep looking ahead
Some say you’re done and others say you’ve just begun
Cash in your chips and ignore all those stupid rules
Never mind what is and follow your dreams
Some say how things are done and they think they know better
Cash in what you have and flick that finger to all that hold you back
Cash in your own opinion before any other
Fill your head with the sound of your music instead of everyone else’s noise
Act from inspiration and lean into your dream
Cash in your dreams and more will come
Be different then the herd, be you, it’s so much easier
Wear your different close that exposes who you are
Wear your hair in your wild and free style
Cash in all that you have and let go and have fun
Cash into yourself and watch the magic before your eyes
Get to know your soul, see who you really are
Cash in all and fly to the sky
Keep your head up high and look to yourself
Dance to the beat of your own drum
It’s all that you have and all that is worth anything
Cash in into your rhythm, dance dance dance
Move wildly into your own space, feel your soul
Cash in your own life no matter how hard others try to steal it
There’s nothing to cash in when you give it away
Keep your life close to your heart and cash it in to the highest bitter
Cash in to you
Suzanne Mondoux
8 March 2020
9 March 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Where are We
What chance do we have, what chance is there really
Is this the moment we asked each other where are we
It’s been a long road of beauty and love, yet where are we
How can we go on without knowing what we really want
Where are we without the truth between us
It could bring us close or tear us apart
How scared are we to know where we are
Sometimes saying I love you just isn’t enough
Love of my life scares me so because where are we
We have it all, don’t we
Can things change so fast once we know where we are
Maybe we will never let each other go
Is this what we want, is this what we really know
Where are we now if there is more we want
Are we enough for one another
Is what we want really elsewhere
Where are we my love
Is almost everything I give you enough
Is almost everything you give me enough
Where are we my love
Where are we in our love
Where are we my greatest love
So brave you are to ask where are we
Where are we
Suzanne Mondoux
9 March 2020
10 March 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – No Tomorrow
Fancy a dance baby, today is our only day
Come and move your body with me to the tunes on the jukebox
Or I can sit at the piano and sing you a song
But you must dance baby since there’s no tomorrow
No tomorrow for me and you
At the strike of midnight we must part ways
There you were sitting at the end of the bar
A cocktail in one hand and tears in another
You sat next to me at the piano and sang us a song
Your melancholy blues poured out of you
You sang no tomorrow for me and you
It’s been a long day even when your family is waiting for you at home
No tomorrow for me and you
No matter how I love the touch of your hand
No matter how you feel next to me at the piano
There’s no tomorrow for me an you
Each night I tickle the ivory but never yet for someone like you
I sing to myself with voices humming in the background
Never before for someone like you
It pains me that there’s no tomorrow for me and you
I leaned in to kiss you and you smiled
You took my hand and placed it on your cheek
And whispered, there’s no tomorrow for me and you
Yet it was the moment I fell in love with you
I still don’t know your name
But when you hear this song you’ll know it’s for you
There was no tomorrow for me and you
But we were in the moment and for that, who needs tomorrow
Suzanne Mondoux
10 March 2020
11 March 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Believe in Me
It’s been a struggle just being here and being me
For others who see me as someone else for their sake
Believe me when I say believe in me instead
See me for who I am no matter the fame around me
Believe in me for me
Someone who can have a broken heart
It makes me want out of this glory and fame
Believe me when I say I want to go home sometimes
And leave all this behind
Life goes on for my dreams are stronger than your scandals
You call my life my sins and you splashed them all over the front page
Believe in me to live my life without shame
I am me, I am free when I don’t need to apologise to you or them
My fame does not give you the right to steal my soul for your glory
Believe in me to be of tender heart who cries just like you
You said you loved me once, then you sold me out for a few dollars
This is more a reflection of you, you don’t give more of damn about you
Then you do for me
You didn’t believe in me and you succeeded in breaking my heart
I will bounce back, I believe in me
I listen to love and kindness, I believe in me no matter the scandals
Love believes in me, so I believe in me
I’m tender with me and I rose from the ashes
It could have been a tragic end, but I believe in me
My heart is renewed, I’m renewed
I believe in me despite your scandal
Suzanne Mondoux
11 March 2020
12 March 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Last Drummer
In the grandest of halls where the walls sing out loud
The blues, opera to rock n roll they hum the tune of the last drummer
Curtain call and everyone moves to the beat of the drum
The last drummer rises and bows to say goodbye
The last drummer of the night, of this life
Every layer of the earth beats to the sound of the last drummer
The universe closes into the beat of the drum
Boom bang bang, a heart beat away for the last drummer
The beat of the drum expands all around
Everyone leans into the rhythmic sound
Each step forward with the beat of the last drummer
The end of is near, follow the beat, it’s your last drummer
The crowd goes silent to the beat of the drum
Last drummer rises and looks down at the crowd
Hooray shouts out the people, the dance of the last drummer
So long the others, this is their last drummer
Others danced to the beat of the drum
Others sang to the beat of the drum
The walls beat in and out to the sounds of the many drummers
Curtain call, the last drummer in the grandest of halls
The show must go on as it always does
Every beat of every show captured in these walls
What great ending for the last drummer
In death or in life, same difference
Beat of the last drummer, so long and goodbye
Suzanne Mondoux
12 March 2020

13 March 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Where’s my Guitar
I’m alone in this cell
I’ve done the crime and doing the crime
But where’s my guitar
My soul has left me, I feel nothing without my guitar
What I’ve done can’t be undone
I have regrets, I always look back, and beg for forgiveness
Where’s my guitar, if I strum a few notes maybe I can make something right
No improvising in here, it is what it is
What have I done, now I know
Where do I go from here and how can I go on without my guitar
It’s all I know and all I had and I threw it all away
My guitar, my best friend, so foolish I was
Where’s my guitar, saviour of my soul
All is right when I feel you next to my heart
You rest on my lap and hold me tight
My guitar, how can I say I’m sorry for letting you go
Too easy my crime, it was so long ago
Can’t take it back
I’d give you my guitar to say I’m sorry
Where’s my guitar, where’s my guitar
Where’s my guitar on the side of these bars
Calling on all angels, put aside your harps to strum a guitar,
Just for a while
Let me hear you, especially when I day dream
I cry myself to sleep for the crime I’ve done
I cry myself to sleep for letting go of my guitar
What’s my life now without my guitar
Where’s my guitar to hold next to my heart
My heart strummed with love with my guitar
Where’s my heart without my guitar
Where’s my guitar so I can find my heart, feel my heart
Suzanne Mondoux
13 March 2020
14 March 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – You’re My Sweet Boy
Hey little baby where have you gone
A gift from the heavens you were
You gave me a chance at life, to live again
Now you’re a man
You’re my sweet boy, forever in my arms
Closer to my heart, even when you made poor choices
You made it through the hard times
You’re soul so dark at times, yet you found your way out
Every step of the way you’re my sweet boy
Sometimes you cried for all those time out
Then you smiled back to where you really wanted to be
My sweet boy, you made it this far
I’ll always keep a candle burning so you find your way home
You’re my sweet boy, I see you’re light
It’s there for all to see, do you see it
Keep opening your heart and shine bright
You’re my sweet boy for all of my life
No more, no less, no matter what
That’s love for you’re child, my sweet boy
Even when it’s time out
You’re my sweet boy, my heart, in all your disguises
I see you for all that you are
You now know the light so well from you’re darkness
In and out, you come and go
My heart always cradles my sweet boy
When you let go my hand, I was never too far
I see the light of my sweet boy
No matter how dark the places you hide away
You’re my sweet boy, you have light that shines
Shine bright my sweet boy
Shine bright, it’s who you are
Suzanne Mondoux
14 March 2020
15 March 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Cried So Much
It was so long ago but I remember you so well
You were just a boy playing in the back yard
Yet you were so sad, you cried so much when you were a boy
How lost you were, your soul detached
You cried so much as a boy
You knew who you were but no one would listen
In front of the mirror with your short hair you wanted to let grow
With your little boy shirt you’d soon replace with your sister’s dress
The expression of you only you could see
Only you knew what was true
I remembered how you cried so much as a boy
You spent most of your time alone in the tree house playing your records
Music sooth your soul, I could hear you sing to rock n roll
On your make-believe piano you made music for hours
You sang yourself to sleep after you cried so much ‘til there were no more tears
You’re heart ached for change, you body and soul searched for you
You cried so much as a boy
Could there be so many tears in such a small boy
Sometimes I saw you smile, you showed a glimmer of hope
A sunshiny day was possible for such a boy who cried so much
I see that boy now and again who cried so much
My hair is long and I don’t have to hide in my sister’s dress
Only yesterday on my birthday she took me shopping for a new dress
No need to cry anymore she said
I remember how I cried so much as a boy
I wear my favourite dresses most the time
But I wear very nice pants once in a while
The expression of myself, I decide
Suzanne Mondoux
15 March 2020
16 March 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – First Love
Our first walk in the park the sun shone brightly upon us
It was a beautiful day in every possible way
You let me hold your hand all day
For the first time I knew what love felt like
First love, baby, you’re my first love
What a feeling, what ecstasy my love
I’m all grown up and I thought I knew what love was
I knew nothing until I met you
It’s a new life to be so in love with your first love
I see and feel everything deep in my heart
For the first time I feel the beating of my heart
I feel me, and my soul smile at me
You’re my first love, a true love darling
Life will last forever now
All life changes and this is for the better
I see my own wonder and joy in life
I went weak in the knees when you first kissed me
I never knew how this could really be
You saved me from me, my first love, what a wonder
It’s magic all around, a new light in life
Creating a new life together is so blissful
My first and one and only love, forever my darling
How this has come to be, making this a right time in my life
Frist love baby, lets live this every day
I give you my heart and my soul for just one more kiss
Darling, first and only true love
This it’s what it’s all about, you and me a life I could never have known
Baby, oh first love of my life, I’m down on one knee, take my hand forever
I’m so lucky I get to dance with you forever
Love leads all the way
First love of my life, I’m all grown up and you’re the best part
This life, full of light, first love, baby, you’re my baby
I bow my head to you, my first love
You will always reign in my heart
Suzanne Mondoux
16 March 2020
17 March 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Fading Away
Where was I all this time during the confines of such a life
Was I too busy hiding away or did I see something else
Everyone in the crowd can see each but me
I’m the only one in the room amongst so many voices
It feels I’m fading away amongst the shadows all around me
I see glimmers me in the mirror and imagine someone is looking at me
Are they looking my way at me, can they see me
Am I fading away from the life I’ve created for something new
I can still smell my favourite perfume, is it still me
When I look down at my feet I’m wearing my favourite red shoes
Is it still me or am I like a butterfly fading away into something new
Fading away from the past into the present day
Fading away into the present day, what an extraordinary place to fade into
I’m light on my feet in my red shoes and I dance around a new crowd
I see smiles looking at me, it’s me they see
Fading away from out of the fog into the sun I let others see me
I go on into this new light and fading away from the opinions of others
I’m fading away from all those fingers pointing at me saying how wrong I was,
And how hard it will be
Taking all the best of my old life into the new
I’m fading away towards the rainbow ahead of me
It’s me I see, the me I recognise
I almost lost her forever fading away into a crowd I didn’t know
Fading away is the best thing I’ve done for my soul
Fading away to find my way
Fading away to stay true to myself
Fading away to meet me all over again
Fading away realizing and living my dreams
Suzanne Mondoux
17 March 2020
18 March 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Ghost
There’s a kink in my chain and I’m stuck in this house
Like a ghost I search for life room by room
Sadness and destruction is all I can see
Quietly I float all around
I’m a ghost in this house and no one sees me
I can make a sound and some look up but it’s not for long
Is there life in this house except for the ghost
It’s me you see right through, and it’s in front of me you self destruct
Are there other ghost in this house or am I alone
Let me see you and come play with me
Sometimes I feel you next to me
I see your face, the same face on the photo hanging on the wall
I’m a ghost amongst the dead in this house
Sometimes they stick a needle in their arm
Sometimes they put something in their mouth
Then they all look dead amongst the ghost in this house
I creep around with a book in my hand
I look up at night and wish upon a star
Each morning I wake as a ghost in this house
Sometime to a smile, most of the time to cries
I smile at the ghost in the mirror and keep wishing upon a star
There’s something else outside this house away from the dead
There is life for this ghost amongst those living
I’m coming, I’m preparing with the books in my hands
Suzanne Mondoux
18 March 2020
19 March 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Through the motions
It’s started as a normal day going through the motions
Then I realized how mundane life was each day
The same, day after day, the same complaints and the same of everything else
I wondered if there was more than this, going through the motions of this dull life
Going through the motions for the sake of a pay check
It’s how we manage fear day in and day out
How crazy is this way of life, going through the motions with no hope in sight
No hope in sight for any change for a better reality of my life
It’s how it is, they say, so we swallow it whole
It’s what society say we must do, swallow it whole
No point of being a dreamer, it doesn’t put food on the table or pay the bills
Some of us have kids you know, that’s what going through the motions is for
Can this be real, is it really the reality of our life
Going through the motions just to get through the day to get to the next
Round and round we go until we are dead and buried in the ground
That’s going through the motion to our grave, it isn’t going anywhere
The grave waits patiently for us, it isn’t going anywhere
Going through the motions shepherd’s us there, and we don’t even know it
What a life we live, it’s how it is, so be it, they say
Is that so, for some of you it is
For this soul, there is more, there is going through the motions for something new
A life without mundane repeat just for the pay check
Life is not a motion, life is alive for living
Go through the motions for your life, live it, no matter the cards you dealt for yourself
You made this reality, you can change it by going through the motions for desiring something new,
It’s but one life for living, motion into it
Motion towards your best reality
Suzanne Mondoux
19 March 2020
20 March 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Kindness
It’s never too late to be kind
Acts of kindness take no effort and makes everyone smile
You decide each act of kindness for your self
Goodness and kindness trickles easily throughout everyone and everything
Kindness towards others reflects kindness for self
It’s never too small or ever too big
This is the world we live, we can create our own kindness
C’est la vie, this can be kindness
Is it a cruel world or a fearful world
Either way kindness for all makes it a better world
Now is a good time to act only from your heart
Kindness can easily prevail and never overwhelm
Let it be so for just one act a day and see the smiles all around
We can do this together even when isolated from one another
More kindness for self allows for more kindness towards others
Kindness in grace under pressure and when in fear
Kindness is for you and me and everyone you believe doesn’t desert it
Kindness is connection to another, and most of all with yourself
How else would you like to live day in and day out
Imagine all that can be with kindness all around
It’s so easy being cynical instead of extending good will
Tender loving care for others is tender loving care for yourself
Be kind to yourself to remind yourself you have what it takes to be kindness
Being kindness is a way of life and opens your heart to receive kindness
It’s never too late to be kindness
Suzanne Mondoux
20 March 2020
21 March 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Open Arms
Open arms baby, come to me and let me hold you
Together we can embrace one another and the world around us
It’s a magnificent time for magnificent things for being together and for one another
In your loving arms my darling in see the world in a new light
A world with open arms a magnificent moment for me and you and for all
Come closer darling and let me see you
I open my arms and heart for you to see and embrace me
It’s so easy to receive such love with open arms
Sit here by my side and lets talk all night
I’ll keep you close with my arm around you
Open arms with one another is open arms to the world around us
How do others live short of tenderness and love
How can open arms sooth their pain and bring them smiles
Together with love open arms starts with us, my love my best friend
We can share this love, our open arms to the world around us
There’s enough love to go around
Open your arms to your friends and neighbours and bless them with a smile
Keep your smiles on your faces, you never know who you’ll meet
It’s a small world and open arms can reach us all
Together in harmony with love open arms welcomes us all
It’s a magnificent time for magnificent words and actions
Open your arms to your love ones and someone new
Plant this seed of connection joy and love
Together it’s a magnificent time for open arms
My darling, come closer and embrace us with your love
See me closer in your arms and feel my love next to your heart
Baby it’s a great world in your arms together we share with our friends and strangers
Open arms a perfect stance for love
Suzanne Mondoux
21 March 2020
22 March 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Roar of the Crowd
Come, get closer and gather round
See the show up close and feel free to participate
Shout out and sing along
Feel the roar of the crowd and be part of the sound
Sing out loud with the roar of the crowd
Feel the music in the air and dance all around
Cheer to what pleases you
Let the rumble of the crowd inspire you
Hooray the music goes on and on in the distance
All ears wait for the roar of the crowd
No silence for those sitting on their rocking chair on the porch
Their feet tap along with the beat and stand to the roar echoed all around
All hands in the air to celebrate the journey of the sound
Roar of the crowd drifting high above the clouds
The stars glitters to voices on the ground
Each voice creates the music and units the crowds
Roar of the crowd the healing sound of the human voice
Together as one with the music and any cause
For life and wellness the roar of the crowd ignites
Hello out there, together we are one
It’s so easy diving into the roar of crowd
It caresses and invites all to lean on one another
The wave of bodies swaying all around
In the roar of the crowd hearts expand and everyone holds hands
Suzanne Mondoux
22 March 2020
23 March 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Can you hear me singing
From way out there all by yourself can you hear me singing
This song is for you darling, and only for your ears
It’s the longing for you that inspires me to sing to you
To create for you and to love you more and more each day
So far and yet so close and how far we’ve come
I sing for you day and night
Can you hear me singing, this is to keep us alive
For you my love, soon we will be together
Can you hear me singing so deep in the dark
Or is there light for you to sing to
I know one day you’ll wake, one day you’ll open your eyes and smile
Each day with you is a wonder, a blessing
I feel your life in my hands, with each breath you take I sing
Can you hear me singing to you my darling
It’s a long sleep but one day you’ll wake
I will sing you awake in my arms
Follow the sound of my voice, this love song is for you
It’s hear you’ll find your way, into the music of our voice
Remember how you sang to me, remember our voices together
Can you hear us singing, it’s how you’ll find your way home
Can you hear me singing my love, it’s all for you
This long sleep has kept you from me but soon I know you’ll sing with me
Life is still with you and in you, in this love song for you
You can hear me singing, I feel it in your hand
Listen to my voice, listen to me singing, I’ll guide you home
Can you hear us singing together again, it’s one voice, one heart, our love
Can you hear me singing, it’s all for you
Suzanne Mondoux
23 March 2020
24 March 2020 Song/Poem of the day – Making It To The Top
What does it take to be happy in such a place
Where do I go from here to where I want to be
Who do I become to be who I am
What has to be done to making it to the top
I’m a showgirl and the show must go on
Whether I’m tired and can barely pay the rent
Making it to the top seems so far away
But yet with my fingertip I can touch this light ahead of me
It’s the showgirl in me that makes me survive
Will I know when I’ve made it to the top
Will I recognize myself in the limelight
How much further do I need to go to make it the top
Making it to the top is it as far as I think it is
Why search for something different from where I am
The show goes on, I’m a showgirl reaching for the top
Each night I play the piano, sing and dance for a crowd calling out my name
I headline in the dives of all dives
The showgirl that I am believes the show must go on to make it to the top
One night changes my entire life, it’s one step closer to making to the top
A new stage and new lights, new faces in the crowd call out my name
I’m a showing girl making I to the top
My life on stage, in lights and in a crowd
I face the audience and take my bow
I’ve made it to the top
Making it to the top did not make me become me
It took who I was and to be me to make it to the top
Making it to the top is many steps that go on an on
Suzanne Mondoux
24 March 2020
25 March 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Where’s my Voice
It may be a small part but it’s a part of this life nonetheless
No matter how big or small somewhere out there there’s a place for me
Where’s my voice in all of this, can it be heard from near or far
I’m but one soul amongst the crowd who shout louder than me
Where’s my voice in all this noise in my head
What creates quiet, a moment of listening to my own voice
I have a role in history for myself, where do I start
Do I wait and see what will be my first words
Is everything already written or do we write our own story
A chance at writing your own story, in your own voice
Where’s my voice when I need it
It’s thrilling knowing there’s one there, my own voice
My voice, how do I find such a thing
Can you hear me amongst the noise
I won’t leave myself alone until I find where my voice is hiding
Emotions linger in my heart, my heart longs for me
Where’s my voice in this every day world filled with so many voices
Do I kill part me to find my voice
In this crazy world there’s has to be a place for me, for my voice
It’s but a moment away to make this life more than what it is
Am I black and white all around without a way out
Is killing part of me the only way to find my voice
Where’s my voice in all of this life around me
In this life, is there such a thing as my voice
Is it worth living with hope to find your voice
More of my life can only be lived in my own voice
Where’s my voice in all of this, inside of me
Inside of me is where I’ll find my voice
Suzanne Mondoux
25 March 2020
26 March 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Just a Breath Away
Can you hear the orchestra playing in the distance
Our love is like the music in the air
Together we breath as one no matter how far you are from me
It’s all about love this life, I hold you in my heart
Your just a breath away my darling no matter how far apart we are
A day is but a moment and I remember your smile as though you’re just in front of me
All but a life with nothing more to ask when you’re just a breath away
No regrets for the time we are apart, be happy baby, you’re just a breath away
Soon with time we will unite and no time will be felt before we are together again
You’re just a breath away and I look to this day, it’s a moment away
Sing out loud to the music in your heart darling, I’ll hear you no matter how are far apart we are
A chance at life with you is worth every moment apart
We are just a breath away and I look to this day
Soon enough darling we’ll be in each other’s arms
I love you for your courage and your glory of heart
Never is it a lifetime away for when we can reunite
We are just a breath away and lets embrace this moment
Can’t you see how love keeps us united in the greatest of challenges
How wonderful you are to be so brave and keep your heart open to our love
Just a breath away in a moment in time I embrace
Patience is not required, love keeps me in peace
Just a breath away is my destiny to be with you
I’m just in love with you, that’s all, and just a moment away from seeing you again
We will fly away together in a moment in time
Just a breath away for you and me
I’m doing well knowing you’re in my heart
I see your face everywhere I go
I smell the roses on my walk and just a breath away I’m back in your arms
Embraced in your perfume my darling, life with you in a rose on my heart
Just a breath away you’re the rose on my heart
Suzanne Mondoux
26 March 2020
27 March 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – If I Can Lose You
What chance do I have when you can have anyone you want
You look at me once but not twice
Do you know that I’m there
If you were mind what chance would I have
If I can lose you to another, what chance do I have
So easy your love, it comes and goes
You tease me like no other
You seduce me with just a smile
You kill me so easily with just a look
You whispered you’d give me your heart and I believe this
My heart says to look out for your dangerous side
If I can lose you to another, what chance do I really have with my heart in your hand
Can you hold me with such tenderness to make me feel I can never lose you
You can have anyone you desire, and how much do you desire me
If you can desire me so easily, can I lose you to another so easily
I know that it’s true your tenderness for me but deep in my heart what is there for me
Is this a dream to desire someone so much as you
Is it my destiny to lose you so easily
You make me want you and ache for you it shows in my face every time you smile at me
But this won’t last forever for my heart tells me I can lose you so easily
It’s a chance that I take to give you my heart and I know it’s me who will pay the price
Everybody warns me not to love you and to let you go
It seems I can also lose you so easily just because you want to leave
You yearn for solitude and isolation and draw in your lovers when you desire
I could lose you so easily so you could live on your own
What’s in this for me if I give you my heart that you draw me into with such sweet kisses
You seduce me into your arms with such passion and release me so viciously
If I can lose you my heart will always cry out for what could be
I’ll go mad first before I lose you to your solitude
Suzanne Mondoux
27 March 2020

28 March 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – How To Find a Lover
Hmmm, Hmmm, Hmmm, it’s so hard to find you
How do I search for you and where do I find you
The days are long and lonely without you
How do I find you, how do I find a lover
La, La, La, for love, in love, how do I find a lover
My bed is cold with just me to warm it on my own
A quiet and lonely heart lies beneath the sheets
So sweet my dream of you
I long for your hand against my skin and lips to kiss me
How do I go on with such a hard life of loneliness
Distress easily consumes me with a heart eager to love
How to find a lover in this world, in this life
I claim this place in my heart for you when I find you
How to find a lover in all this noise around me
I wish upon a falling star for you to show yourself
God let me see my lover
Did I miss you walking pass me, was I blind at one time
Now I want to see and find a lover, the one whose in front of me and did not see
How to find a lover, hmmm, hmmm, la, la, la, I may have missed
Life, give me another chance to let me see what I may have missed
What did I miss with my judgment for the lover that stood before me
How do I find a lover once there for me, all for me and only me
I take a chance to open my heart again and let you claim that place in my heart for you
I free this place for you, my lover, how do I find you
I’m searching for my words to find you, to regain my sight so I can find you
Hmm, Hmm, ooh, ooh, la, la, la, in search of you
How do I find a lover that once stood before me
Hmm, ooh, Hmm, my lover, how do I find you, let me see you
Suzanne Mondoux
28 March 2020
29 March 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – I’m In The Dark
What’s this life I’ve made for myself with no wind in my sail
Drifting away on my own in the dark, where there’s no sunrise
I’m in the dark with my soul and my fading dreams
Where do I belong in this vast sea of life so deep with no light
Hmm, Hmm, Whoa, Whoa, Hmm
How can I go on in the dark corner of my soul
Will I ever find myself again when I can’t even hear my own voice
Someone or something is calling out to me but I can’t make it out
The dark waves are rising around me, encroaching on the only glimmer of light
I’m in the dark with no hope in sight of getting out of this life I’ve made for myself
Hmm, Hmm, Whoa, Whao, I’m in the darkest place of my soul
I’m in the dark and I cry out for help in a place where no sound is heard
I watch for the tide recede but I fear it will take me with it, deep and far away from home
Hmm, Whoa, Hmm, Hmm, I’m in the darkest of all darkest places my own heart
How can this be, how did I let it be this way
Will I ever find me again, oh dear what have I done to my soul that shown so bright
Hmm, Hmm, I’m in the dark
I went to this deep dark place knowing where I was going
The waves rise, higher and higher, horizon out of sight
The darkest creature inside me rises from the sea, so deep inside me
It frightens me
I’m in the dark with the creature I gave birth to
My mind divides into so many phantoms to make sense of all this
Whose the real me in this darkest place of my soul
Can I wake from this darkness
Hmm, Hmm, Whoa, Whoa
I’m in the dark, I brought me here
Suzanne Mondoux
29 March 2020
30 March 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Leaving Love Undone
It’s a song in my heart that goes on and on
I turn from a crowd when they speak of love
What a feeling this undone with no one to go to
You made me love you with all my fears
Why did you have to go so soon our love wasn’t done
Leaving love undone pains me more than I could ever know
So short your journey in this world
Leaving love undone leaves nothing else for me but the pain my heart and my soul
Hmmm, Whoa, Whoa Hmm,
We had so much more life to live together
I had so much more love to give you
There’s nothing left for me to do when leaving love undone
My heart was all and only for you
You were taken from me too soon and suddenly my heart has no where to go
It’s a struggle each day living when leaving love undone
My heart beats for you and each night I cry myself to sleep
No one told me how painful life would be living a life with leaving love undone
Leaving love undone, Hmmm, Hmmm, Whoa, Whoa
It hurts too much leaving life undone
All my dreams and hopes dangle from the stars, too far out of reach
The heavens took you from me, hmm, hmm, whoa, whoa
Leaving love undone is more than I can bear
With every breath I hang on by a string and wish you next me
Hmm, hmm, hmm,
As you closed your eyes you told me it was time to go
You smiled and whispered love is never done
Suzanne Mondoux
30 March 2020
31 March 2020 Song/Poem of the Day – Intoxication
To feel this life in all it’s glory even for just a moment
What my heart sings raptures my soul
Forever living the moment of ecstasy and wonder
What lies beneath the silent voices of such a life
It’s intoxication I feel for you and me in this world of wonder
Intoxication flowing through my veins
Like fire rushing through the forest to stay alive
Each breath of intoxication fills my body with overwhelming love
I walk through the streets in a trance
So close and yet so far from everything real and imagined
My intoxicated eyes follow the dreamy world around me
The intoxication of the world created in my mind
The wind carries me over the hills and sets me down into the valleys
I rise and fall in and around the clouds
My intoxicated body on the ground looks up at the stars
An intoxicated heart in a body sometimes with life, sometimes without
Hmm, whoa, hmm, whoa, intoxication of my soul
In love with the ideal of me, to befriend when truly known
Intoxicated life alone in my mind
I look down at my hands to see that I’m there
Intoxication of a heart on fire for love
Intoxication of a life to be known
Suzanne Mondoux
31 March 2020