A Voice For Animals

The Alliance of Independent Authors - Author Member



Questions – An examination of your BEING.  “The unexamined life is not worth living” is a famous dictum apparently uttered by Socrates his trial for impiety and corrupting youth, for which he was subsequently sentenced to death.

What will you be on trial for?

  1. So why do you do the exact opposite of what it is you know you’re supposed to be doing?
  • Why do you explore the caves of despair, the valleys of sorrow, and the mountains of pain?
  • Do you believe this is all part of life?
  • Why do you accept ‘what will be will be’?
  • What’s your gain in experiencing despair when it’s self-inflicted?
  • What’s your gain in experiencing sorrow when it’s self-inflicted.
  • What’s your gain in experiencing pain when it’s self-inflected?
  • Ask yourself “Where have I gone wrong?”
  • Ask yourself “Where have I gone right?”
  • Write your story – why didn’t I follow my instinct?
  • Write your story – why I did follow my instinct?
  • Your ability of self-fulfilling a prophecy is amazing! J If you’re such a great magician, who can control the future for all the ‘bad’ stuff you don’t want in your life? Why can’t you do it and be certain of your craft as a magician that you will get what you want…the good stuff…the stuff you really want and not what you fear you will get, and what you fear you’ll experience?
  1. Why do you try so hard at getting what you want?
  1. Why do you try so hard at not getting what you don’t want?
  1. Why do you accept orders and commands from some other being other than your true self on how you ‘think’ you should be feeling, and how you ‘think’ you should be doing, and what you ‘think’ you should be acting on, instead of trusting your feelings?
  1. What can possibly go wrong when you trust your instincts?
  1. Have you decided to be a ‘what will be will be’ victim? 
  1. Have you decided to blame the whole world and bleed out from your own choices?
  1. Have you decided dig yourself deep into that cave of despair?
  • Have you decided to walk head low in the valleys of sorrow?
  • Have you decided to grip the rocks until your fingers bleed to reach that mountain of pain?
  • Have you acted in a way that you are being responsible for your choices? Write about this journey.
  • Have you taken action to walk out of that cave of despair? Write about this journey.
  • Have you taken action to walk head up high in the valley of sunshine? Write about this journey.
  • Have you taken action to release your grip from the rocks and climb with ease that mountain of intention? Write about this journey.
  • What is your story for not taking action towards your highest self? Write about this journey.
  • Who are all the people you think you will hurt when acting on your decisions?
  • Are you a little too self-righteous in our thoughts and actions? Think about this one? Write about this journey.
  • Are you more concerned about someone else’s feelings than you are about your own? What do you think about this question? Really think about this question. Allow yourself to really feel this question. Write about this journey.
  • Does being a person who is totally correct or morally superior make you look around at the world or down at it? Do you want to be part of this world or above all of the others who make up this world?
  • Does this virtue you cling to separate you from your sphere – your highest self?
  • This virtuous energy you cling to can be transferred to a strong belief of righteousness – your instincts – of your own actions or opinion of what is best for you instead of projecting this onto others. Imagine the power this would have on your day-to-day life!

Yes, imagine. Where can your imagination take you with all this energy focused on yourself when in alignment with your highest self? Write about this journey.

  • What do you mean to yourself?
  • How much do you mean to yourself?
  • Imagine what it looks like and feels like for you to be yourself.