A Voice For Animals

The Alliance of Independent Authors - Author Member


27 APRIL 2020 BLOG 45 – Letters from Federica

In April 2019, I was writing chapter five of The Adventures of Anuk series book 3. I received an intuitive message to stop writing this book and was given the title of a new book that I was to begin writing immediately. Letters from Federica. The message was loud and clear. I resisted for a day or so. However, I knew that I was being guided, and I saw the story unfold before me. Letters from Federica is an emotionally charged love story, while a compelling and intriguing mystery. Federica went missing three weeks after her wedding to Leo. Afterwards, she is presumed dead. Some 20 years later, her husband Leo and his lover William discover letters Federica left for Leo. Leo believed that the love letters that were made up of poems and songs would unravel the mystery of his missing wife. I began writing immediately. It wasn’t until June that I realized I was to write songs in the story.

            I’m happy to share excerpts of the story and the songs in the novel Letters from Federica.

                        “Come now Leo, sing out loud what you’re humming.” said Sophia.

A battle rages inside me, inside of me.

My love has vanished.

A broken heart beats inside of me, it drifts forever into the darkest sea.

The pain forever part of me.

The moment I sense a hint of hope, despair swallows it whole.

My mind goes crazy, my mind goes crazy.

It screams out her name,

Why can’t I find her?

My broken heart continues to beat only for her.

A battle rages inside me, inside of me.

Cries of anger, cries of sorrow fills rivers wherever I go.

My soul is lost, it lingers in the shadows.

My one and only, my love, where did you go?

Let me find you, and return to me.

My love, my love, where did you go?

A broken heart beats inside of me, it drifts forever into the darkest sea.

The pain forever part of me.

Hmm,, hmm, hmm.

“Beautiful but dark and sad,” said Sophia. “When did you write that?”

“A couple days ago.” I replied. “And it’s breaking William’s heart.”