A Voice For Animals

The Alliance of Independent Authors - Author Member


27 APRIL 2020 BLOG 40

Nothing will ever stand in the way of change for me again, even when fear wants to dominate. When I experience any emotion, I just accept it. Then I chose another emotion if it’s not the emotion that I want or that is serving me or is in my best interest.

Passionate curiosity

With passionate curiosity,

I walk on the moon,

I swim in the sea.

The world at my fingertip,

I have it all.

How do I decide for me?

I leave it to the Gods to show me the way.

My prayers are answered.

My passionate curiosity for me,

My passionate curiosity for you,

For life.

Hmm, Whoa, Whoa.

Hmm, Whoa, Whoa.

I feel the depth of curiosity for me.

With passionate curiosity I see me.

With passionate curiosity I see you.

I am never the same twice.

You are never the same twice.

Each moment is new.

To discover oneself is bliss.

To know one self is joy.

Hmm, Whoa, Whoa.

My passionate curiosity for me,

My passionate curiosity for you,

For life.

Hmm, Whoa, Whoa.

Hmm, Whoa, Whoa.

I catch a glimpse of me,

For this short time is revealed to me,

Of someone I know and will come to know.

I look briefly in the moment passionate and curious.

Only in the moment a glimpse exists.

Hmm, Whoa, Whoa.

My passionate curiosity for me,

My passionate curiosity for you,

For life.

Hmm, Whoa, Whoa.

Hmm, Whoa, Whoa.

My life, passion, curiosity.

Hmm, Whoa, Whoa.

Hmm, passion.