A Voice For Animals

The Alliance of Independent Authors - Author Member


27 APRIL 2020 BLOG 30

When you decide to write your own life story, the first step is to acknowledge your life. See it for what it is. Be gentle and loving with yourself. Let go of all of the baggage that is associated with the experience that you remember as one that didn’t feel so good. Remember…your life story has a purpose. The many stories you have told yourself and others define who you became, even when you didn’t like the story. However, imagine the things you are capable of when you let go of the stories that you think define you? You gave permission to everyone else but yourself to write your life story, your whole life.

Once you determine the many purposes of your life story, yes – you can have many purposes in your life…you decide, it will be easier for you to decide what is most important.

You may feel inclined to dissect the events of your life in a certain order, but keep in mind that your life story is very flexible. You decide. Looking back at what was no longer exists, There is absolutely nothing you can do about what happened some 20 years ago or more, no more than can you do anything about what happened even a second ago. All you have is RIGHT NOW.

The universe provides you with many ways to write your life story. You don’t need to so into so many details. You just need to jot things down in your journal, or tell them to whoever you chose to write your life story. All you are required to do is ask for what you want, release it, and prepare your vibration to receive it. I recommend that you explore the teachings of Ester Hicks. You will learn that all you are required to do is to ‘feel’ the experience you desire. You don’t need bundles of descriptive details to design your life story. You just need to know what you want to feel, know the experience you wish to experience. KEEP IT SIMPLE!

As a writer, I am inspired to live in the moment. I observe everything that surrounds me. I find stories in every encounter with nature, animals, and people. All of my books, my songs and poems come from inspiration. My alignment with Source, the Universe, God, and Myself…. all of which are in my soul…in ME…my alignment follows inspiration from my highest self. I feel the inspiration, I hear the title of the book, I’m shown the entire story, the entire song, and then I write from alignment first, namely from which I am inspired to this perfect action that is writing. Thank you Ester for these teachings as well

All that I do now and all that I desire now and all that I am now are all aligned with the inspiration to be my best self in this lifetime. Giving myself permission to make myself number one, to decide that my most precious possession is my soul, gave me the know-how and the ‘tools’ that I needed to examine how I have been conditioned to not believe in myself, to not love myself, to do and believe everything and anything contrary to the awareness that I am a WORTHY HUMAN BEING and that I do not need anyone to tell me otherwise. I don’t require anyone’s opinion. I will not seek anyone’s opinion ever again about anything that has to do with me or with anything I decide or do. This is FREEDOM!!!

When I realized that I was also a songwriter, my heart soared. I love writing songs. I wish to inspire countless people with my work and to enrich their lives, however that is manifested in their lives and my life, and whether I am a witness to it or not.

In the light

I call on all my angels.

I call on myself to guide me back home.

My sense of freedom is near.

All is left up to the gods,

They return it to me to know my meaning.

A meaningful life is my only gift to this world.

My life unfolds in the light of my soul.

Hmm, Hmm, Hmm.

La, La, La, La.

Whoa, La, La.

In the light of my soul,

I find my way home.

Hmm, La, La, La.

In the light of my soul,

I find my way home.

I step out of my way.

I step into the light.

My heart sores.

My dancing heart.

My dancing heart knows nothing else,

Than to be home.

Whoa, La, La.

In the light of my soul,

I find my way home.

Hmm, La, La, La.

In the light of my soul,

I find my way home.

Each breath I take,

I feel the life in me.

The love for me,

This is all new.

What a wonder to discover,

The light of my soul.

Hmm, La, La, La, La, La, La.

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa.

La, La, La, La.

In the light of my soul,

I find my way home.