A Voice For Animals

The Alliance of Independent Authors - Author Member


27 APRIL 2020 BLOG 21

In The Adventures of Anuk: The First Leap live Helithian females. The Helithian females are charged with protecting and safeguarding Helithia. Their ancestors led many guardians into animated bloodless discourses. The monologues proclaim that knowledge is essential to the development of one’s most precious possession: the soul. The protection of the soul can only be achieved by examining one’s life. Examining one’s life requires the study of general and fundamental problems concerning matters of existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, language, and most importantly, the fundamental virtues of coexistence with the Beings of non-Human form. It was said that knowledge could be cultivated through effort, skills and intellect was cultivated through efforts, even if one failed once, twice or even millions of times. The Helithians learned through their struggles, mistakes, and perseverance. They grew through their love for challenges, their intrigue of mistakes, enjoying the efforts that they had put forth, as well as their ongoing desire to learn.

            It’s obviously clear that Socrates’ teachings regarding knowledge and examining one’s life influenced my writing, my life. As the Helithians, I also learned through my struggles, mistakes, and perseverance, and I grew through my love for challenges, intrigue of mistakes, enjoying putting forth some effort, and my ongoing desire to learn.