A Voice For Animals

The Alliance of Independent Authors - Author Member


27 APRIL 2020 BLOG 20

The day I had come to truly understand this, I changed my language – how I used words, what I said to myself, and others, immediately. For example, instead of saying ‘I don’t want to be poor’ which is where my focus, where my energy was vibrating – that’s where I remained – and the entire physical experience seemed daunting and exhausting. I came to learn what I was truly seeking was a ‘feeling.’ A feeling of freedom, abundance, and prosperity in so many ways. I can go on and on in the book about this journey. However, I would be denying you the joy of this experience. I cannot recommend enough for you to read the books or to listen to the YouTube segments of these great teachers. Their teachings will resonate differently for you. It’s for you to dive in and do yourself the great honour of examining your life, meeting your true self, and having the courage and self-love to be yourself.

            What will I create for myself? I allowed myself to experience being loved and loving, expressing my creativity, cultivating my spirit, consciously aligning my personality with my soul, having fun engaging with the impersonal wisdom of my nonphysical teachers, and the guidance of my nonphysical guides, and releasing my energy in love and trust. Thank you Ester, Eckhart, and Gary. This learning comes directly from you.

            This no doubt sounds all wonderful and fantastic. To break from my old habits that brought me very little of what I truly wanted to experience in life required commitment to wanting a better life for myself. It doesn’t just happen because you say it over and over again as your incantation, or you wish it, or you ask for it, or you write it down a gazillion times. It is a decision that I chose to live every moment of my life. Yes, I fall back to my old ways. Then, I get back on the path of least resistance. This path is the only path aligned with my soul. And there is no other path for me.

            I’ve been blessed with many wonderful experiences since I committed to having a better life for myself. I could feel my life blossoming as it should, and with things which I had no idea would come into my life. Song writing. I had no idea that I would fall in love with song writing. This journey wasn’t a straightforward path. This song writing journey had a great deal of LIFE in it. I could only tap into what my soul wanted to experience when it came into this body – Suzanne Mondoux – once I let go of all resistance and focused and acted towards my intention – How I want to feel all the time. Joy! And this is available to me in infinite experiences. The same is available to you.