A Voice For Animals

The Alliance of Independent Authors - Author Member


27 APRIL 2020 BLOG 13

Even then, I wasn’t aware that I was exhibiting leadership and mentoring skills. How could I? I was there to explore, experience and learn a whole bunch of stuff. Leadership and mentoring had never even crossed my mind, not even once. I don’t think that I even knew that those words existed back then.

            Ever since then, I have led my own life without ever examining it. I was just living, doing what I wanted. As I said earlier, I only learned about resistance and non-resistance a few years ago. I had a whole lot of resistance. I held terrible beliefs about myself, as well as a load of pilled-up opinions, and very little ownership and accountability for the choices that I had made throughout my entire life.

            In time, I have come to learn that I appreciate the experience of creating what I desire in my life with the energies of universal love, wisdom, and compassion. Thank you Ester, Eckhart, and Gary. This learning comes directly from you.

            I can now express my true self. I do this by moving towards and through the energy of my soul. All I want to do is align myself with my soul. I don’t have to try so hard anymore. It’s like the Queen song Don’t try so hard – it’s only fools they make these rules.  I can let it all go. Thank you Queen, Ester, Eckhart, and Gary. This learning comes directly from you.

No star too far

My reflection in the mirror.

It shows me how small I am.

A child looking at the world.

No doubts, no hesitation.

I see all.

Everything is in reach.

No star is too far.

I play in my dreams.

All is real.

I clap my hands and sing my songs.

I dance to my own music.

Feeling all, the joy of searching

Treasures waiting for me.

A wonder this life is.

Everything is within reach.

No star is too far.

My hands reach high.

They fall from the sky.

I bow my head in peace to see inside.

My soul awaits,

It greets me.

The days of my life may be few, may be many.

No one can know.

But today I’m here,

Standing proud and bright.

Everything is within reach.

No star is too far.

No matter what’s being said,

Living is not so hard.

Let go, let go, let go.

This is the life for me and you.

Oh, la la la.

Hmm, hmm, hmm.

Stars above.

Everything is within reach.

No star is too far.

Watch me grow.

It’s all too simple.

Let go, let me go.

Help me spread my wings.

Everything is within reach.

No star is too far.

Break out of those chains.

Let go, everything is within reach.

No star is too far.

No star is too far.