A Voice For Animals

The Alliance of Independent Authors - Author Member


27 APRIL 2020 BLOG 10

Mélina sat at the lunch table at school with her friends. She ate a peanut butter and jam sandwich, an apple, a slice of cheese and drank a glass of water. He looked around at her friends. Some were tall, some short, some were fat, others were slim, and they had all sorts of other physical differences. He observed the others’ contrasting characteristics.  How they ate their food. Some chewed loudly, others slurped, others ate quietly, and others talked with their mouths full of food. He observed a kaleidoscope of contrasts at the table.

            Mélina wondered the contrast she was bringing to the table. This self-examination, this seemingly simple question, had cracked open a little window of greater awareness to the curious question Mrs. Love asked – Who Am I? Mélina learned from her parents that the greatest gift she could bring to any situation, at any moment, in the presence of others, was just being himself. “So, what did that really mean, being herself?” wondered Mélina.  

            That evening, snuggled with her cats in bed, Mélina explored her contrasts in a song.

Tree of contrast

Take a walk me and hold my hand.

I see the trees, no two re the same.

Yet I stand before a tree,

Some branches hang high, others hang low.

Leaves change colour,

They come and go,

A tree I see.

Is it living when fall follows?

What’s it’s worth, its leaves are gone.

Reaching high naked before all.

What’s its worth?

The tree I see.

Life goes on and on.

Does it not, or am I wrong?

I see the trees, no two are the same.

Its branches crackle in the wind.

Do you hear it, the falling leaves?

Do you see the foil, the forest and the trees?

Take this walk.

Take this walk of distinction.

Divergence of a life worth living.

I gather the leaves.

The tree I see,

Composed with stature for all to see.

Is it living when fall follows?

What contrast do I bring?

With the change of seasons of my life,

My youth is but a moment,

A worth of my life still yet to be discovered.

I gather the leaves.

I hold a tree in my hands.

How can this be?

A tree I see.

A tree I see.